Only 10 minutes’ worth of laptop battery power left so very short post … but the yurt platform is now ready for the yurt. Yurt-raising on Saturday.
One family's attempts to live in a more planet-friendly way
© 2025 Permaculturing in Portugal
Theme by Anders Norén
michele September 17, 2009
oh fab-and the terrace looks like ‘someone’ has been busy….very exciting with the yurt going up ,hope you have plenty of hands and sorry we can’t be there to help!
leen van melle September 18, 2009
Sandy Gilley September 18, 2009
I love the platform!
We have 14′ and 20′ Domes that are designed to do the same thing as a yurt. Easy to put up (three to four hours with 4 people). We are adding a Solar powered HVAC units as well. I would be interested in your feedback, particularly Dome living vs. Yurt living. If you get a moment, take a trip to our site and let me know what you think.