One was clearly not enough. There was the thought of them all being uprooted for firewood. Then an olive tree-shaped space presented itself. And then there were the logistics of fitting in other deliveries of building materials … So we went right back for another.
Olive tree number two before leaving home. This is one I only narrowly rejected first time around
The digger moves in
Depositing the olive tree on the tractor’s trailer
Strapping it to the trailer
She’ll be coming down the mountain when she comes …
Reversing down the track towards planting position
Backing up to the pre-dug hole
Luise May 7, 2012
Great, now the first one has company and they can whisper to each other in the wind. :)
I also hate the thought of plants being killed without reason and my garden is full of pansies from the local graveyard dumpster (don’t tell anyone ;)). They get thrown away once half of the flowers are wilted, but I plant them again, snip off the wilted heads and they keep blooming and blooming, I just have to make sure to keep pruning the wilted flowers.
José Russo May 12, 2012
Estava eu à espera que podasse a primeira oliveira… e afinal veio outra!…
Não serão demais… mas agora há duas para podar! Não sendo especialista na matéria, pergunto-me se não será urgente fazê-lo.
Quinta do Vale May 12, 2012
Olá José. Nos perguntamos acerca de podar as oliveiras. As pessoas na aldeia deu de ombros e disse: “se você quiser …” Mas eles não parecem pensar que há muita importância para fazer esta. Eu vou podar a madeira morta e os ladrões, mas não há muitos deles.