Permaculturing in Portugal

One family's attempts to live in a more planet-friendly way

Quince fruit leather

After making our last batch of quince jelly, we saved the fruit pulp to try our hand at making fruit leather.

Quince fruit leather made from pulp left over from quince jelly

We put the pulp through a mouli (or a Foley food mill as I think they’re called in the ‘States) then put it in a saucepan with sugar to taste and some lemon juice. This was heated until the sugar was dissolved and cooked for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

The pulp was then spread thinly on clingfilm on a baking tray. Since we don’t have an oven to dry it out, we used the old-fashioned method and left it in the sun to dry (with a wire mesh cover to keep the flies away). Today we’ll turn it to dry the other side.

Update: It took a few days to sun-dry as we’ve had some cloudy and wet days. But it’s now ready enough. Verdict? We’re definitely making more of this! Delicious.

Quince fruit leather

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