Permaculturing in Portugal

One family's attempts to live in a more planet-friendly way

More legless wildlife

The day after I met the snake, I met another legless inhabitant of the quinta — this slowworm (Anguis fragilis) slowly worming its way across one of the terraces.

Slow worm

There are also a large number of very large black slugs (Arion ater) as thick as a thumb and nearly twice as long. They appear to be the same variety as we have back in Scotland, though in a higher population density than I’ve seen generally there, which is interesting as this is supposed to be a northern European species. The environment around the stream with lots of damp lush vegetation is perfect for them. I haven’t seen any other varieties, but it’s very clear we have a duck deficiency here which will need to be remedied as soon as we’re able to take up residence. Though apparently snakes eat them too.

As for the human inhabitant of the quinta, she is experiencing a complete absence of any desire to get remotely legless. The wine remains undrunk and will be going to a new home today where it will be more appreciated.

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