Permaculturing in Portugal

One family's attempts to live in a more planet-friendly way

Lowering poles

With all this raising, there had to be some lowering. Balance … Specifically, the old electricity pole right by the larger of the two buildings on the quinta. It, and another 2 poles on terraces further down the quinta, used to carry the power supply to the village above us. The power supply now follows a different route and the poles are obsolete. Obsolete and in the way.

Disused electricity pole by house

With work about to start on the front of the building, we needed to take the pole down. Wayne dug down a way at the base of the pole and pulled on the rope a bit, but figured we might be better off waiting for some more male muscle to topple it, but we tried with me pulling and him pushing and came to the conclusion we could probably manage it.

So a bit more digging and a bit more pulling and pushing and …

Disused electricity pole being taken down

Disused electricity pole being taken down

Disused electricity pole being taken down

Disused electricity pole being taken down

Disused electricity pole being taken down

Disused electricity pole being taken down

… a bit of extra help …

Disused electricity pole being taken down

Disused electricity pole being taken down

… and down it came. All very elegant and civilised and right where we wanted it. Kind of novel when you’re more used to taking down trees. Thing weighs a ton though. After considering angle grinders and sledge hammers, I suddenly saw that it would be the perfect retainer, moved to the edge of the terrace, for the sand and gravel base for the slate slabs we’ll be laying in front of the building.

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