Permaculturing in Portugal

One family's attempts to live in a more planet-friendly way

Chicken compound

Chicken suite complete.

Chicken compound

This is the chickens’ permanent pen. They’ll be staying in here a month or so before we start putting them to work in their geodesic dome tractor around the quinta.

So far they seem content. After a week, they’ve now got the hang of going back into the coop at dusk to roost, but have yet to figure out how to get onto the perch. It’s a short flap up – easily within their capabilities at less than a metre high, but the breeder’s shed has roosts only just above the litter layer (for small chicks) so it will no doubt take time to accustom them to a higher perch. For now I’m lifting them onto the perch, where they stay quite happily until morning, and it serves the dual purpose of getting them used to my handling of them.

Chicken compound

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