If the potatoes are behaving as if they’re on steroids, you can almost see the bamboo growing. In the area where I harvested a lot of canes to build supports for the peas, beans and tomatoes, the bamboo has suddenly begun to sprout in earnest. One minute there’s nothing there, the next there’s a half meter tall shoot emerging. The tallest of the new shoots have grown something like 2m inside 2 weeks.
The bamboo growing on the bottom terrace appears to be of the Phyllostachys species. I don’t know precisely which. We recently visited the Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra where there is over a hectare of Phyllostachys bambusoides growing to 15-20m in height. I couldn’t help noticing that the young shoots of this bamboo as they emerge are identical to ours …
Pedro Pereira April 26, 2011
They are very good to eat (only the sprouts) :-).
Just boil them, then mix with other food you like ;-)
Julia Michell February 10, 2022
My daughter just gifted me 4 stems of lucky bamboo which I’ve planted in pots.